I Tested AI Resumes To See If They Get You Hired

they don't.

The importance of individuality in the job search is paramount.

Period. Full stop. The end. I could probably stop this story now.

We all understand that we need to stand out in the job search, yet so many don’t do it. Yes, I am calling you out. You know who you are.

If you don’t want AI to take your job, why are you using AI to create your resume and mass apply? All it is doing is making you look like a basic, replaceable candidate.

Think about it.

Does it make you stand out? Be honest.

While yes, our trusty pal, ChatGPT can make us look better on paper than we could ourselves, is it the right thing to get you where you need to go in your career or is it just making us look like everyone else? We can all spot AI written articles, posts and even resumes a mile away… ask recruiters, they will tell you the same.

Everyone seems to want to have the SAME exact keywords and match so perfectly, and ya know what- that doesn’t work. It’s easy AF, but it doesn’t help you stand out. Your resume is making you invisible. My clients have tested out AI written resumes from AI resume builders and ChatGPT resumes and they are bombing out big time.

You’ve got to be BOLD, and that starts with a knockout resume and personal brand.

After training over 2000 executives over my career, the 1 thing that everyone said to me after we were done with resume development was It’s an incredible feeling. I’ve never felt so BOLD in my professional life. And these were peeps with 30 year career behind them!

How F*ing Amazing Is That?

But how do we get there, when it is so easy to just use the same resume builders and scanners that everyone else is doing?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love AI but is it good for the job search?

There is such a disconnect happening right now and it p*sses me off.

And then you have the problem with people getting job offers and starting the new job only to find out it is VASTLY different than what the job description and interviews said it was. During the HR conference I was at a few weeks ago, I was listening to Brittany Pietsch, the tech worker that went viral with her Tik Tok video when she was being fired, and she brought up this very situation.

Onboarding – ya’ll are doing great and really selling it… but what is happening between the job descriptions/recruiters/HR and what the company actually needs? A close friend of mine is going through this same thing now at one of the largest companies in Texas for their industry … the job was X, but what he is doing is vastly different. Needless to say, he isn't happy, and if this is happening to you too- you probably are in the same boat.

So how do we overcome this?

We have to unpack imposter syndrome. You are so much more than you think.

This does mean building out your resume and LinkedIn profile during the job search to make you look like an industry leader.

You may be asking yourself, Amanda says this all the time… industry leader, Industry leader- what does that even mean?

It’s knowing your stuff. Speaking up and walking into a room with a plan of action based on what you have experience in. Being an industry leader means setting standards, driving trends, and influencing the direction in which the industry moves. Your message needs to be dialed in… why? When you can offer this presence, people that you speak to will be eager to see your magic.

Job offers anyone?

I KNOW what you are thinking….

So how does this relate to being bold- and furthermore Amanda, why can’t we just use ChatGPT to create our resumes because they understand keywords?

Ofcourse, this may make me sound biased…But NO. Well, you can... but you need to know what you are doing.

Humans hire humans, right? As job seekers we are all against the issues with ATS and instant rejections of applications and we get mad at recruiters not replying, and not responding – why – because we are human.

So if we are all so mad at that, why are we giving them instant resumes without thought--- just some fancy keywords that match up to job descriptions?

Are recruiters even reading our resumes?

Our careers, our livelihoods are hanging by this thread, and frankly, it's not cutting it anymore.

Thanks a ton for throwing your hat in the ring, but we're going with other candidates..." Sound familiar? We've all been slapped with these emails for jobs we're clearly ace for. Seriously, what gives?

Do we actually believe a real-life human recruiter is diving deep into our resumes? And if they are, what gives?

Our careers, our livelihoods are hanging by this thread, and frankly, it's not cutting it anymore. It's about time we demand hiring teams up their game and find better practices. Because this system? It's failing us, big time. Let's challenge them to do better, because we deserve better – way better… but we also need to provide them with MORE than a generic ChatGPT resume that looks like every other candidate out there.

Now, don’t get me wrong… just because we develop bold resumes and have great branding does not mean every application will make it through the filters, and knock-out questions. But that is a problem for another rainy day… However, building out your bold experience and developing a resume that is nothing short of a New York Times Best Seller is going to make you look like an industry leader. THESE are the types of candidates that companies want. This is what I do.

Listening to the panels at a recent HR conference was enlightening, but CPOs stated that they struggle to find qualified candidates.

The key here is that while YES you may be able to do the job, your resume and brand is not showing it off. OR you could be misstepping in the interview.


If you have a killer resume, and your brand is on point… here are some tips to help you slide through that interview and show that you are not just the same as the next candidate.

When you get asked the unfortunate question of What are your Strengths and Weaknesses:

Ok- here's the magic you need to apply to this answer: Your resume should have 6-12 result based metrics. These are what you talk about when asked about either strengths or weaknesses. If directly a weakness question, say, during X project at X company, I had a bit of a challenge to complete X (and say something that is a weakness of yours genuinely) but I was able to do X and X and that resulted in - X achievements overall.

If they are asking about strengths, same idea- talk about a project, that you know would be relevant to what they are doing as a company and SHINE.

BTW this is actually one of my favorite questions for the candidates –  this is something that can easily help you pivot or start leading the conversation in the interview.

If you are ready to become the go-to industry leader that companies want as their next hire, share your experience, brand and know exactly how to sell yourself.

P.S. It isn’t with a generic resume or *powered by AI.

Would love to hear how you challenge yourself on standing out in the job search!

Amanda Goodall, The Job Chick

I am a mom of 6, and after traveling full time for several years, I am lucky to call Las Vegas home.

YES I have had pink hair for nearly 20 years!

To connect and learn more about my professional services and personal adventures, or inquire about having me speak at your next event, reach out at [email protected]


or to participate.