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Why You’re Getting Ghosted in Your Job Search (And How to Turn It Around)

Being ghosted is not just something that happens in the dating world. In the professional realm, consultant, job seekers, freelancers, and even established professionals face this frustrating phenomenon.

You’ve sent out applications, completed interviews that seemed to go well, or submitted proposals, only to hear… nothing. Silence. Ghosting is tough to swallow, especially when you’re waiting with high hopes. Let’s look at why this happens and, more importantly, how to turn things around.

Understanding the Ghosting Phenomenon

There are many reasons why you’re not hearing back from jobs you’ve applied for, but a key issue that stands out is sheer volume. Recruiters post a job, and within one day, there can be 300+ applicants. You’ve probably seen it yourself on job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn, showing hundreds, even thousands, of people competing for one position.

In one week, a single recruiter could receive 2,100 applicants. The old strategy of applying early? Well, it doesn’t have the same weight anymore. It’s no longer just about being first. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE.  


The Recruiter’s Dilemma

Here’s the reality: recruiters are handling an average of eight job requisitions per week. This means they’re looking for candidates for eight different roles. With only one hour a day to review resumes per job, and assuming they’re working a perfect 9-to-5, recruiters can scan roughly 100 resumes in that hour. You’ve heard about the six-second scan? That’s real.

And out of those hundreds of resumes, maybe ten will get a phone screening. From there, perhaps two will make it to an in-person interview.

The Numbers Game

I've heard from a leading TA that it takes about 300 resumes to find the right candidate. This leaves 1,800 resumes unseen, filtered out by an ATS (Applicant Tracking System), or simply lost in the shuffle. The process is broken. HR leaders are starting to notice. They’re asking, “Where are the qualified candidates?” when the truth is that they’re buried under the sheer volume of applicants and an outdated hiring process.

Recruiters, on top of reviewing resumes, also have to juggle scheduling meetings, conducting interviews, debriefing, making offers, and onboarding. The system is overloaded and inefficient. Oh and on top of that you have FAKE JOB LISTINGS?

It’s Not You, It’s the System

Here’s something you need to know: it’s not you. Yes, your resume should be polished and aligned with the job description. But it’s not personal. The instant rejections and ghosting? It’s the result of recruiters being overwhelmed with applications and lacking the time to properly review them.

Recruiting, as it stands today, is part of the problem. In the pre-ATS era, the time to hire was around 20 days. Today, that number has ballooned to 42 days or more, largely due to inefficiencies in the system. The job market is tough, unemployment is rising, and things aren’t likely to change overnight.

What You Can Do

To navigate this broken system, here are steps you can take:

1. Optimize Your Resume: Make sure your resume is ATS-friendly. Use relevant keywords, keep formatting simple, and avoid graphics that can confuse the system. Is it super important? Yes, and no... depends on how you go about your job search.

2. Network Actively: Often, it’s not about what you know, but who you know. Leverage LinkedIn, attend industry events, and ask your network for referrals. Oh and posting I'm looking for a job is not networking. Get some skin in the game! You know a lot more people than you think.

3. Follow Up: If you haven’t heard back, a polite follow-up email can remind the recruiter of your interest and keep you on their radar. Never hurts!

4. Build Your Online Presence: A strong LinkedIn profile or relevant industry presence can set you apart from other candidates. You don't want to be a professional like other competition... you want to be DIFFERENT.

5. Be Patient and Persistent: The system is slow, but keep applying and improving your approach. Persistence pays off. But again... think about who you know... it is more powerful than job boards right now.

A Call to Recruiters and HR Leaders

For recruiters and HR leaders, it’s time to address these issues. Updating ATS systems, reducing the number of job requisitions per recruiter, and offering better communication to candidates can make a big difference. A simple rejection notification would prevent job seekers from feeling ghosted.

Let’s Change the System Together

The real issue of not hearing back isn’t you—it’s the broken hiring process. This needs to change. HR Tech is trying... but it's not there. It isn't seeing the true issue. I'm working on a solution currently. By understanding the underlying problems and taking action, we can work together to fix the system and make it better for companies and job seekers alike.

Let’s keep the conversation going—share your experiences, insights, and stories. Together, we can change how hiring works and make it more fair and efficient for everyone. Stay strong, and keep pushing forward in your job search.

Amanda Goodall

Founder and CEO of The Job Chick

I take a slightly different approach to hiring and leading....


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