The Job Market is HELL

Here's why I think the job market is broken.

The job search landscape is a total battlefield right now, a chaotic clusterf*ck of epic proportions.

Thanks to a rollercoaster economy and a post-pandemic world still finding its footing, job seekers are wading through murky waters. HR leaders are not finding their qualified candidates and then you have restructuring. How can we all survive this stuff? Don't worry- keep reading...

Let's get economic geeky JUST for a moment because this is where the real world deets can be found:

The most recent Beige Book report paints a bleak picture with mixed signals on economic growth, labor shortages, and unpredictable market dynamics. Then you look at the. Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) forecasts, which suggest a slow and uneven recovery, it’s no wonder the job search feels like navigating a minefield.

Here are some hard facts:

• The Beige Book highlights labor shortages across various sectors, leading to increased competition for available roles.

• CBO reports predict a sluggish recovery, with GDP growth rates fluctuating and unemployment rates hovering above pre-pandemic levels.

• Job openings are up, but so are the qualifications required, making it tougher for many to meet the new job market demands.

In this chaotic job market, the key to survival is CALCULATED agility.

Job seekers need to continuously upskill, leverage personal branding, and master the nuances of body language in interviews to stand out.

The job search might be a clusterf*ck, but with the right mindset and tools, you can turn the chaos to your advantage and emerge as a leader ready to tackle any challenge. This article should hit home whether you are an executive aiming for that next big promotion, an entry-level candidate just starting out, or someone in the middle… (PS—get out of middle management STAT.)

Here are a few things I’ve been asked about a LOT this week:

Imposter Syndrome and how to shake it.

HOW can I become a better leader?

Personal branding—does it really matter?

Nonverbal cues in an interview—do they REALLY work?

Let’s break these down. I’ll keep them in order in case you want to skip to the one that hits home first.

The Imposter Syndrome Trap

How to get over Imposter Syndrome?

Ok, it’s true, everyone at some point feels like an imposter. You walk into a room full of high achievers and suddenly you question your worth. Not a cool feeling, I will admit. What you need to realize is that imposter syndrome is a silent career killer.

It stops you from going in the direction you might want to take that will propel you into total greatness.

You feel paralyzed.

Something I notice a lot from the leaders I work with is that it typically isn’t about a lack of confidence. It is usually just that mindset hasn’t caught up with reality.

Here’s what I want you to ask yourself:

++ What do you want to be known for?

++ How do you want people to think of you before you walk into the room?

These are foundational questions that can really help you shape your leadership style. Bring this into getting over imposter syndrome, because I will tell you right now, overcoming self-doubt is not just about faking it till you make it. You MUST recognize your strengths and learn how to use them.

Before you start leadership development coaching, here’s how you can crush imposter syndrome:

++ Start by owning your achievements and recognizing your strengths. Yes, you have to brag about yourself.

++ Build a personal brand that screams confidence and live by it. (see that bit below)

++ Remember, real leaders know their worth and lead with raw authenticity. I’m not even talking about outliers here… but it’s the same thing. Think of the best leaders you know—big or small—they turned any self-doubt they had into a power play.

SIDE NOTE on Leadership

Did you see the recent McKinsey study that says 75% of people think their leaders are unengaged and uninspiring? That is AWFUL. This is a total wake-up call for anyone in leadership and for those about to enter these roles.

McKinsey Study on Leadership

If you are thinking about trying leadership development coaching, that is great. Do it.

Here’s the thing I want you to remember: choose the coach that asks you the TOUGH questions. It should be uncomfortable. Growth comes from facing uncomfortable truths. Executive leadership is challenging, but once you know how to swing it—you will FLY!

The Power of Personal Branding

Personal branding is all about who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to be known for.

Let me hammer this home: Don’t water down your brand to fit some corporate mold. Stand out. Be you. And for goodness’ sake, ditch the “JOB TITLE at COMPANY NAME” in your LinkedIn headline. You’re more than just a cog in a corporate machine.

Amanda Goodall - Personal Branding Expert

Let’s break it down.

People crave authenticity and real leadership.

They want to trust and be inspired by real people, not corporate drones.

Embed this into your DNA and let it shape your personal brand.

You’re an industry leader. Don’t forget that.

Hot Take: The Power of Non-Verbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication

Words matter, but your body language speaks volumes. In interviews and leadership interactions, your non-verbal cues can make or break it for you. Do you want to show that you are the perfect fit for this job? Engage with the interviewer. I posted the image of Mr. Bean.... even you aren't a fan of his, the point is driven home. You can explain how you feel and what you think and make others realize your levels of excitement by what you do with your body language.

• Visible hands signal trust.

• Symmetrical gestures maintain interest.

• A slight head tilt shows engagement, and leaning in with a smile demonstrates enthusiasm.

These subtle cues are crucial during interviews. Engage with your interviewer not just verbally but physically. Show your excitement about their team and goals. Remember, it’s not just about what you say; it’s how you body language it. ;)

Picture this: You stride into the interview room like you own it—not with arrogance, but with a confidence that radiates from every step you take. It’s all about presence. Own the space. Your energy should be palpable, your authenticity undeniable. People are drawn to leaders who are real, who exude self-assuredness without pretense. This works for any job interview—even if it isn’t a leadership position.

Stand tall, make eye contact, and let your body language speak volumes. You’re not just another candidate; you’re the candidate.

Command attention, not by demanding it, but by earning it through your genuine charisma and unshakable confidence. Be the person everyone wants to talk to, not because of your title, but because of your undeniable presence. That’s how you become the most magnetic person in the room.



Recruiters and hiring managers aren’t interested in your life story. They want to know how your skills and experience will benefit them. Focus on presenting your value and put it all into a context that resonates with the job and company you are applying for.

You’re not just another candidate; you’re the candidate.

Upskilling and reskilling are the HOT HOT words right now in HR. Show them how you can be their future fit without it costing them.

Oh, and if you are applying to a role that makes you do case interviews (lord help ya—kidding), remember, they want you to showcase insights and creativity. It’s not just about your background; it’s about how you can solve their problems. Think of it as a high-stakes game of chess where you’re always three moves ahead of your client.


The Job Chick- OUT!

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Amanda Goodall is an executive resume writer, leadership advisor, and strategic consultant with over two decades of transformative experience across diverse industries. As the founder of The Job Chick, Amanda has empowered more than 25,000 clients worldwide to align their potential with the right career paths.


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