Humans are Biased, but Generative AI is Way Worse.

What is happening to the Job Market and why you aren't getting hired.

We all thought humans would show more bias. We were wrong. It's AI.If you think it doesn't affect you, you are wrong.Yes, humans are involved in the hiring, but recruiters are relying on AI hiring tools to do some heavy lifting... and I totally get it.

While these AI advancements can indeed save time and money for companies, they also have introduced significant challenges.

Let's jump straight in this major story from Bloomberg:

While you have an attorney saying that “Every company says the final decision is in the hands of a human recruiter, even if in reality, they do have the AI sort through 500 resumes, and then only look through the top five resumes that the AI sends to them"... you also have the point being made that "GPT doesn’t help with predicting who would excel at a role, but is simply “matching patterns that already exist,” explains Ifeoma Ajunwa, a law professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.That is the VERY point. Yes, humans will look through things.. but typically only after AI has sifted through resumes. If they actually looked at EVERY resume personally, what would be the point of AI tools. Is AI actually choosing the most qualified? Does't seem like it.I don't blame recruiters being given the tools to do their jobs. There is something a bit more worrying, when companies are using these tools knowing the stats, research and bias that is happening. Read the research by Jospeh Fuller, Harvard Business Review and Hilke Schellmann.

The Future of Work with Generative AI

The impersonal nature of AI can strip away the individuality that makes each candidate unique. Furthermore, these algorithms, trained on past data, can inadvertently perpetuate existing biases, sidelining potentially qualified candidates based on outdated or skewed criteria. I went over a lot of this in my last newsletter.Let’s say six resumes from previous great hires, all strong performers, were included in the learning for this screening system, and four out of the six happened to list baseball as a hobby. The AI computed that playing games like Baseball means you were aggressive and a goal-getter... competitive. It could potentially correlate this to performance and therefore favor the baseball player as a better candidate.The same is happening with names alone.Do you see the issue here? This should worry everyone.Resume Screening is BROKEN. Yeah, I said it.Unfair Filters are used to maximize efficiency and reduce hiring costs.Hiring Managers are frustrated.Companies are screaming, "WHERE are the qualified candidates?"Job Seekers are wondering why it is SOOOO d*mn hard to get hired right now.Does anyone else wonder what happened to the old job market?I feel like despite the amazing progress in AI, we are all just standing around waiting to hear back about a job and all we get is... "Thank you for Applying. The algorithm will be in touch."


Hi! I'm Amanda, The Job Chick.

With over 20 years in the career development arena, I have trained over 2,000 executives on career development and interviewing skills. I have mastered the art of aligning senior leadership with their ideal roles through resume development and personal branding. My focus is on understanding the nuances of career goals and finding that sweet spot where opportunity meets talent. In a nutshell, I am a resume writer, leadership coach, public speaker, executive search nerd, and as of this summer, author.

My clients are around the globe, but my local clients have given me the nickname - Las Vegas's Favorite Resume Writer - and I am quite honored.

I am absolutely fascinated with the future of work, particularly with AI. My overall platform is on Career Growth, Ageism and Leadership.

I am a mom of 6, and after traveling full time for several years, I am lucky to call Las Vegas home.

YES I have had pink hair for nearly 20 years!

To connect and learn more about my professional services and personal adventures, or inquire about having me speak at your next event, reach out at [email protected]

❤️ Amanda ❤️

Las Vegas's Favorite Resume Writer

Rock Your Job Search


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